Thursday, July 26, 2018


Single Sign-On (SSO) is a solution which lets users authenticate at one application and then use that same user session at many completely different applications without re-authenticating over and over again.

HTTP Cookies (RFC 6265) are vital component to achieve SSO, as it tracks the user’s session across different applications. Before going in detail on SSO, let's look at the HTTP Cookies.

HTTP Cookies 

  • An HTTP cookie is a name-value pair data sent by a web-server (party-1) to a web-browser (party-2) to maintain a state between those two parties. 
  • Because of state maintenance mechanism, cookies are used for,
    • Tracking user's information and browsing patterns: For example: preserving cart items in a shopping website and displaying advertisements based on browsing history .
    • User authentication: To know whether the user is logged in or not, and which account they are logged in with. 
  • HTTP Cookies (RFC 6265) has defined some attributes associated with cookies: They are:
Name/ Value
Any US-ASCII characters with some exceptions.
For example: SessionID=123
- If specified, the domain and subdomains of the cookie where this cookie can be sent to. For eg: if; then browser can send cookie to and as well)
 - If not specified, it will be a handled as a host-based cookie and browser only send to the exact domain and not to its subdomains. For eg: from earlier case, the browser can send only to host that which it set the cookie, i.e., to only.
A given URL path where the cookie applies to. For eg: / (i.e., root path)
GMT timestamp that says when the cookie expire.
For eg: 2018-08-24T22:30:17.000Z. If not specified, the cookie is valid until the browser closed.
The amount of time (in seconds) the cookie should be valid. For eg: 3600. Both Expires and Max-Age are used for session timeout and context remains same. If both (Expires and Max-Age) are set, Max-Age will have precedence.
When used, the cookies aren’t accessible via JavaScript, giving some protection against XSS attacks.
When used, the cookie can be only transferred through HTTPS, regular HTTP requests won’t include this cookie.
Prevents the browser from sending the cookie along with cross-site requests. Provides some protection against cross-site request forgery attacks.Possible values are:
 - Strict: Cookie won’t be sent to target site in all cross-domain browsing context.
 - Lax: Cookie will be sent along with the GET request initiated by the third-party website, but not request to POST or request originated from iframe, img, and script tags.
  • Creating a cookie with same name (value can be anything), and set the Expires property to a date in the past will make that cookie to be removed or cleared-out from the browser and user will lose his/ her session.

How Cookies are related to SSO?

Cookies are the ones controls and tracks the user session in the web-browser and that helps to achieve the SSO across all applications within the same domain. Refer below sequence diagram and its explanations in detail.
SSO Sequence Diagram

Note: All servers are hosted in the same domain
  1. User request page1.html from (Application-1 & Web Agent-1).
  2. sees there is no valid Session Cookie.
  3. Hence redirect the user to (SSO & Authentication Services) for authentication with return URL as page1.html.
  4. Browser request for authentication to Authentication service.
  5. Authentication service displays login page for the user to enter their username/ password.
  6. User submits username/ password.
  7. Authentication service authenticates the submitted credentials.
  8. Upon successful authentication, Authentication service sets redirect URL to page1.html (from #3) and SSO service sets the Session Cookie with the following attributes:
    • Cookie Attributes
      Name/ Value
      This Session Cookie is named as SessionID and value as 123.
      This Session Cookie is valid for domain and all its subdomains like, and
      This Session Cookie applies to path root.
      Expires/ Max-Age
      This Session Cookie will expire on July 24, 2018 at 10:30PM, GMT.
      This Session Cookie is not accessible from   JavaScripts.
      This Session Cookie can be sent only in HTTP connections.
      This Session Cookie is not valid for any cross-domain browsing context.
  9. Browser redirect to page1.html at with the Session Cookie.
  10. asks SSO service to validate the received Session Cookie.
  11. SSO service validates and return response to
  12. Finally allows user to access page1.html.
  13. After sometime, in the same browser session, the same user with valid Session Cookie request to access page2.html at (Application-2 & Web Agent-2).
  14. request SSO service to validate the received Session Cookie.
  15. SSO service validates and return response to
  16. Finally allows user to access page2.html without asking to re-login at
    • This is because the Session Cookie is bound and valid to domain, and hence SSO & Authentication Services did not authenticate the user once again.


  • So far we saw SSO works fine across applications when their domain name is same (i.e.,, and, all are based on same domain
  • But what happen if applications running on different domains? For example:,, How to achieve SSO for these applications?
    • The answer is Cross Domain Single Sign-On (CDSSO).
  • Let’s discuss about CDSSO in next blog post. At least this blog gives some basic concepts on SSO and let's look in the next post for complex use-cases on CDSSO.

Monday, July 16, 2018

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)

Before going into the LDAP, we have to look into what are Directory Services and X500 Model.

Directory Service

  • Directory Service can be characterized as a hierarchical tree-based naming system that offers numerous distributed system advantages:
    • Unique names can be determined by concatenating hierarchical naming components starting at a root node (e.g., "com")
    • Object-oriented schema and data model supports very fast search operations (uses Key-based querying).
    • Due named sub-tree partitions, the features like Distribution, Replication and Delegated or Autonomous Administration are supported.
    • Supports Authentication and Fine-Grained Access Control mechanisms.
  • Few examples of directories are DNS, NOS, Novell's NDS, Microsoft's Active Directory.
  • Directories are designed and optimized for more READ/ SEARCH operations, than WRITE/ UPDATE operations.
  • In real world example, a telephone directory is a directory system that contains a list of subscribers with an address and a phone number in a dictionary format, than in a tree-based fashion.
Image result for telephone directory
Telephone Directory

X500 Model

  • X.500 is a series of computer networking naming standards and models for Directory Service.
  • The primary concept of X.500 is that there is a single Directory Information Tree (DIT), a hierarchical organization of Entries and these can be called using:
    • Distinguished Name (DN) is a unique Distinguished Name. Much like a "path" to a filename in a file system.
      • For eg: cn=alice, ou=People,
    • Relative Distinguished Name (RDN) is a component of the distinguished name. Much like a "filename" in a file system.
      • For eg: cn=alice, ou=People is a RDN relative to the root RDN
Directory Information Tree (DIT)

    • DNs are also called as naming contexts, because it describes the namespace where the entry lives.
  • X500 Model suggest the way how directory service can be designed in a DIT to have a database to fetch information for a given entry. 
  • Directory Access Protocol (DAP) is one of the protocol defined in X.500 that says how to access the entries in the DIT on TCP/IP stack.


  • The Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard Application Layer protocol interface for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network.
  • The latest specification is Version 3, published as RFC 4511.
  • LDAP is based on:
    • A simpler subset of standards within X.500 model, hence sometimes LDAP is called as X.500-lite.
    • DAP to access X500 model directory, hence it is called as Lightweight DAP.
Image result for ldap protocol

Naming Model
  • An Attribute defines as a piece of information that the directory entries contain. 
  • Attribute is similar to DB column name.
  • The most widely used naming attributes are defined in the following table:
An element of a DNS domain name
A person's account name
Full name of a person, group, device, etc.
cn=John Doe
Name of a geographic region
l=Bay Area
State or Province
Organization name    
Organization unit name
Two letter country code

Schema Model

    • An LDAP schema is a set of rules that define what can be stored as entries in a LDAP directory. 
    • We have similar concept in RDBMS, where DB schema contains information about database structure, tables, columns, data types and constraints.
    • The schema model consists of two types of elements: 
      • Object Classes: 
        • Defines as a placeholder for attributes. 
        • Similar to DB tables.
        • Object classes come in one of three kinds: 
    • Defines an attribute or set of attributes that all object classes in an object class structure inherit.
    • Every object class structure must have an abstract object class as the top-level object class.
    • Defines an object entry type.
    • Every entry must contain at least one structural object class.
    • A structural object class inherits either from top or from another structural object class.

    • An auxiliary object class adds attributes to another object class.
    • Useful to define a set of attributes used by multiple object classes.

    There are only two abstract classes:
    1. The top class is present in every entry, and it requires the objectClass attribute be present.
    2. The alias requires the aliasedObjectName attribute be present.

    For example: 
    Object classes such as: organizationperson, 
    or device.
    For example:
    Object class strongAuthenticationUser 
    allows the attribute userCertificate;binary 
    be present, but this class could be used in an entry with object class person, device or some other structural class.

    Object Classes in a Class Diagram
      • Attribute Types: 
        • Defines the data types of attribute values. 
        • Similar to DB column's data types.
        • Attribute Type Definition specifies:
    Matching Rules
    Defines the data format in which an attribute value is stored.
    A matching rule encapsulates a set of logic that may be used to perform some kind of matching operation against two LDAP values
    For example:
    Directory String, Integer, and JPEG are examples of standard LDAP syntaxes.
    For example:
    Comparison, Sort and Order

    Protocol Overview
    • A client starts an LDAP session by connecting to an LDAP server, called a Directory System Agent (DSA), by default on TCP and UDP port 389, or on port 636 for LDAPS. 
    • The client may request the following LDAP operations:
    Use the LDAPv3-TLS connection
    Authenticate and specify LDAP protocol version
    Search for and/or retrieve directory entries
    Test if a named entry contains a given attribute value
    Add a new entry
    Delete an entry
    Modify an entry
    Modify Distinguished Name (DN)
    Move or rename an entry
    Abort a previous request
    Extended Operation
    Generic operation used to define other operations
    Close and exit the connection

    • LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) is a standard text-based representation for LDAP data.
    • LDIF conveys directory content as a set of records, one record for each entry.
    • It also represents update requests, such as Add, Modify, Delete, and Rename, as a set of records, one record for each update request.
    • This is an example of a simple directory entry with several attributes, represented as a record in LDIF:
    dn: cn=John Doe,dc=example,dc=com
    cn: John Doe
    givenName: John
    sn: Doe
    telephoneNumber: +1 800 800 8888
    telephoneNumber: +1 800 800 9999
    manager: cn=Eliza Beth,dc=example,dc=com
    objectClass: inetOrgPerson
    objectClass: organizationalPerson
    objectClass: person
    objectClass: top

    Other Useful Notes
    • In LDAP 3.0, there is a special root called rootDSE (where DSE stands for “DSA-specific entry”) is defined as the root of the DIT server. 
      • The purpose of the rootDSE is to provide data about the directory server itself.
      • i.e., rootDSE is not part of any namespace, but it contains namingContexts, which provides a list of all DNs in the the DIT.
    • Directory servers publish internal schema as an entry in the directory. 
      • It can be retrieved by LDAP clients performing a baseObject search on the a special entry that is defined by the directory server to publish schema information (e.g., cn=schema), with the attributes attributeTypes and objectClasses specified as part of the search criteria.
    • Each LDAP directory has some default schema, which developers can customize, or "extend," by adding elements to it. 

    Sunday, July 15, 2018

    Differences between LDAP and Active Directory

    • Both are related to Directory Service, which is a software system service that stores, organizes and provides access to information in a system's directory. Typical real world example is a telephone directory, where we lookup the telephone number by referring to alphabetical names.
    • LDAP is an open, vendor-neutral industry standard and application-layer protocol, that provides a mechanism (a way) to connect, search, and modify information in a system's directory. As such a directory system must exist to access the information via LDAP.
    • Active Directory (AD) is a proprietary directory software by Microsoft, and it supports LDAP and along with broad range of directory-based identity-related services (like authentication, authorization, policy management, etc.,)

      Sunday, March 11, 2018

      Difference between DOM and SAX

      • Both are XML parser, that process the XML document to breaks up the text (element) into small identifiable pieces and which are finally mapped to Objects for application to process the elements.
      • Document Object Model (DOM) processes the entire document and stores the object in a tree structure to manipulate.
      • Simple API for XML (SAX) processes the document as it being read (like streams), generate events based on tags and events are handled by the event handler.

      DOM: A tree-based processing

      DOM processes the XML document and loads the data into memory in a tree-like structure. Consider the following XML code snippet:
      1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
      2. <users>
      3.   <user ID=”1”>
      4.     <fname>John</fname>
      5.     <lname>Doe</lname>
      6.     <email></email>
      7.   </user>
      8. </users>
      A DOM processor analyzing this code snippet would generate the following tree structure in the memory.

      SAX: An event-based processing

      SAX analyzes an XML stream as it goes by. The above example document generates the following events:
      1. Start document
      2. Start element (users)
      3. Characters (white space)
      4. Start element (user) with Attribute (ID="1")
      5. Characters (white space)
      6. Start element (fname)
      7. Characters (John)
      8. End element (fname)
      9. Characters (white space)
      10. Start element (lname)
      11. Characters (Doe)
      12. End element (lname)
      13. Characters (white space)
      14. Start element (email)
      15. Characters (
      16. End element (email)
      17. Characters (white space)
      18. End element (user)
      19. End element (users)

      The SAX API allows a developer to capture these events and act on them.

      Pros and Cons


    • The tree is persistent in memory; it can be modified so an application can make changes to the data and the structure. It can also work its way up and down the tree at any time.
    • DOM can also be much simpler to use.
    • On the other hand, a lot of overhead is involved in building these trees in memory. It's not unusual for large files to completely overrun a system's capacity. 
    • In addition, creating a DOM tree can be a very slow process.

    • SAX

    • Analysis can get started immediately, rather than waiting for all of the data to be processed, hence fast processing.
    • Application is simply examining the data as it goes by, it doesn't need to store it in memory, hence cost less resource.
    • Application doesn't even have to parse the entire document; it can stop when certain criteria have been satisfied, hence efficient processing.
    • On the other hand, the application is not persisting the data in any way, it is impossible to make changes to it using SAX, or to move backwards in the data stream.

    • DOM
      Slow processing
      Fast processing
      Cost more resource
      Cost less resource
      Inefficient processing
      Efficient processing
      Non persistent

      When to choose DOM and SAX?

      Depending on following factors, we can choose DOM or SAX,

      Application purpose
      If application needs to refer back to processed data, make changes to the data and output it as XML, then DOM is a choice. Still SAX can be used, but the process is complex, as the application has to make changes to a copy of the data rather than the original data itself.

      XML data size
      For large files, SAX is a better choice, since it processes the XML data as streams.

      Need for speed
      SAX implementations are normally faster than DOM implementations.

      SAX and DOM are two implementations of parsing XML data, so we can use DOM to create stream of SAX events, and SAX to create a DOM tree. 


      Single Sign-On (SSO) is a solution which lets users authenticate at one application and then use that same user session at many completely ...